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Filter Webb




Filter Webb

The Filter Webb is one of the best products for polishing the water, and for the size of the Filter Webb the surface area it gives you to catch micro-particles is amazing.

The best bit is its so easy to clean, just pop the Filter Webb in to a clean bucket of water and plunge up and down a few times, and it will release the fine particles it has trapped, repeat till the water is clean. Ideal in Finishing Chambers.

This Filter Webb works the same was as foam but better, not only does it other more filtration capability but due to its design it is really easy to clean all the fibers/pours of the webb, unlike foam.

The Filter Webb can be used as an added addition to your filter buy simply installing a single Filter Webb or can be used in large numbers for whole chambers

Filter webb 300 = 300mm dia/100mm in depth
Filter webb 450 = 450mm dia/100mm in depth


Filter Webb 300 are sold in a pack of 4

Filter Webb 450 are sold in a pack of 2


Manufactured in polyethylene