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50mm In-Line Sight Glass Connector



50mm In-Line Sight Glass Connector

This In-Line Sight Glass Connector has been designed to work in conjunction with 50mm solvent weld pipe (please view our pipe identification chart for finding your correct pipe size)

The In Line-Sight Glasses are a must in-between filtration chambers, so you can see the flow and quality of water and know which chamber to flush.

In-Line Sight Glasses are also great on flushing ports allowing you to see when the water runs clear saving you time, water and money.

All of our measurements are taken from the ID(internal diameter) of the fitting. The OD(outside diameter) has no relevance to the displayed size of this item.(please view our pipe identification chart for finding your correct pipe size)

This In-Line Sight Glass Connector will receive pipe/fittings either end with a stop located in the middle, ensuring both pieces of pipe/fittings joint have the maximum amount of surface contact ensure for a superb water tight seal.

For use with flexible hose, a hosetail could be joined to either end of the In-Line Sight Glass Connector.

Solvent Weld Fitting (Always use a non-toxic adhesive)


  • In-Line Sight Glass Length (End to End) – 300mm
  • Viewing Port Length (Clear Molding)  – 150mm

Please feel free to ask if you are uncertain