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Helpful Advice For Koi and Pond Enthusiasts

Hello and welcome to our blog about pond creation and maintenance.

This series of blog features are aimed at helping to answer many of the commonly asked questions and challenges faced by fish pond enthusiasts and how the products we manufacture, can help in various situations and circumstances.

As a UK Supplier of a wide range of pond equipment, we receive a lot of questions from people and we are aiming to make this blog a valuable resource of general advice or help for anyone interested in starting or maintaining their pond environment, in particular, the wellbeing of fish in ponds.

We plan to have in-depth information addressing the fundamentals of fish keeping, offer advice and explain how our pond products can help.

If you have any questions or enquiries you would like us to focus on and feature in our blog please contact Sam.

  • Role of Lactic Acid Bacteria & Benefits

    Role of Lactic Acid Bacteria - Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) thrive in the pond environment. They break down organic waste, such as leftover fish food and dead plant material. This process helps reduce harmful substances that can adversely affect koi. By producing enzymes, these bacteria convert proteins and peptides into simpler compounds. This breakdown is essential for maintaining water clarity and quality. LAB also competes against harmful bacteria, which can lead to diseases in fish. As they multiply, they create a healthier microbial balance in the pond.

    Impact on Pond Water Quality - The presence of lactic acid bacteria significantly enhances pond water quality. By decomposing organic material, they prevent toxic build-up, which can lead to poor water conditions. Cleaner water supports greater oxygen levels, promoting fish health. Additionally, LAB contribute to stabilising pH levels, which is vital for koi. The competition between LAB and harmful bacteria lowers the chances of disease outbreaks. A balanced microbial community results in clearer, healthier pond water, essential for koi wellbeing.

    Interaction with Koi Immune System - Lactic acid bacteria support the immune system of koi. By introducing beneficial microbes into the pond, they help boost the koi’s natural defence mechanisms. LAB can stimulate mucosal immunity, which protects koi from pathogens. Furthermore, regular exposure to LAB can lead to healthier fish with better growth rates. Stronger koi are more resilient against environmental stressors and diseases.This interaction highlights the importance of maintaining a proper balance of beneficial bacteria in koi ponds.

    Mechanisms of Probiotics - Probiotics, particularly lactic acid bacteria, work through several key mechanisms to promote koi health.

    They help balance gut microbiota by crowding out harmful bacteria. This process reduces the risk of infections and diseases.

    Moreover, the beneficial components in probiotics aid in breaking down food, improving nutrient absorption.

    This leads to healthier growth and better koi vitality.

    Probiotics also enhance the immune response, helping koi to fight off environmental stresses and pathogens effectively.

    Thus, the inclusion of probiotics in koi diets can establish a healthier digestive environment, ensuring koi remain strong and resilient.

    Benefits of Lacto Remedies - Lacto remedies offer numerous benefits to koi in ponds.

    These probiotics help maintain water quality by breaking down organic waste and reducing harmful substances. As a result, koi live in a healthier aquatic environment.

    Using lacto-based probiotics can lead to improved digestion and nutrient uptake, which is essential for fish health.

    Healthy koi exhibit vibrant colours, increased energy, and enhanced growth rates.

    Additionally, regular use can reduce the need for antibiotics, as koi become less susceptible to disease.

    By supporting natural defence mechanisms, lacto remedies contribute to long-term koi health and stability in the pond ecosystem

  • The science behind pond clay & Its benefits

    Below is a short article explaining the benefits of clay being added to a koi pond and the science behind it.

    All fish need minerals and trace elements in their diets.  Koi are no different in this respect. When a pond is first filled, it will contain minerals from the mains water supply unless they have been removed by a water purifier.  Any useful minerals will quickly be absorbed by the fish and by bacteria in the biological filter. Water changes and top ups will help to replace those minerals but the question is; will the mains water supply contain enough minerals and trace elements, and will these be the correct ones anyway?

    Just bacterial action alone uses huge quantities of carbonate from the water.  Koi excrete prodigious amounts of ammonia, and as we all know, ammonia is toxic so it must be removed from pond water.  Many different factors affect just how much ammonia Koi excrete, but 1 gm of a typical Koi food will produce around 40 mg of ammonia.  At the recommended feeding rate of 2% of the fish’s body weight per day, we would feed a one kilogram Koi 20 gm of food each day. Simple arithmetic says that 20 gm of this food will produce a total of 800 mg of ammonia when it is metabolised.  This means that our average one kilogram koi on an average diet will excrete 33 mg of ammonia per hour.  It must be emphasised that this is not a precise amount, just a ball park figure to give an idea just how much ammonia the biological filter must process.

    Most Koi keepers are aware that in a biological filter, there are two species (types) of bacteria, that convert this ammonia, first to nitrite, which is also toxic, and then to nitrate which is relatively harmless to koi, except at high levels.  But do you know that these bugs need a total 7.2 mg of carbonate for every 1 mg of ammonia that they convert? Ignoring complex chemistry and thinking of this in simple terms, you could say that a healthy “diet” for the biofilter as a whole, is one part ammonia to seven parts carbonate (plus some oxygen of course, about four parts).  The bugs in a biofilter cannot convert ammonia without both carbonate and oxygen.  Koi also need a source of carbonate too, but to a far lesser extent. The easiest way to add essential minerals and trace elements is to use a reputable pond clay.

    What is pond clay? - Not all clay is suitable for pond use, but there are two basic types of clay that are suitable:  Montmorillonite and bentonite.  Montmorillonite was named after the town near where this type of clay was first discovered; Montmorillon Clay Kusuriin France. Bentonite was also named after the place nearest to where this type of clay was discovered; Fort Benton which is near Montana in the USA. Montmorillonite is a very soft clay, rich in silica and other minerals.  It has a very fine particle size of about one micrometer (one thousandth of a millimeter in diameter).  Bentonite is a form of clay that is formed from volcanic ash and actually consists mainly of montmorillonite. There is no single chemical formula for these clays; the exact chemical make-up depends on the actual location where it is mined.  There are even small variations in the clay from a particular area as the mining operation digs through different layers of the deposits, which is why there is little hard data about what minerals any particular product contains.

    If you read any of the websites that promote and sell clays, a common theme is that they contain anywhere from 16 to 78 essential minerals including calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, sodium or calcium carbonate, and iron. In the Yasawagi district in the Japanese prefecture of Akito where clay is mined, it is known as “Magic White Soil”. This is because it is their “secret” remedy for many ailments including diarrhoea, toothache and just about every physical injury.

    Is this medicinal use of any benefit to Koi? - I can fully understand how “Magic White Soil” can work in the intestinal tract when taken as an oral medicine.  Clay particles are so small that they are physically tiny when compared to the size of some bacteria. When doses reach infected mucous membranes in the intestines, the clay particles completely envelop the bacteria. These are then cut off from their “food” supply by inorganic material and, as such, can no longer absorb nutrients and multiply. I doubt that this will happen in a Koi pond unless so much clay is added that it forms a thick layer on the pond floor so that insects, worms and larvae would be able to colonise this layer.  In this case, Koi would rummage through it for food.  Any food they found would be coated in clay particles.  In this way they would ingest particles of clay in sufficient quantities to have an effect on bacteria in their intestines, but not otherwise.  In relation to koi health, possibly the greatest benefit comes from the minerals in pond clays.

    Koi, like us, have an immune system.  Its job is to keep the fish as healthy as possible.  Many circumstances can weaken our immune system, or theirs. One circumstance that can be detrimental to an immune system is lack of essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements.  I eat a sensible diet in order to ensure that I do not run short of any of these.  Koi in a pond are in a slightly different situation.  Carp are omnivorous; they will eat whatever they can find.  In the wild they will find a whole range of food so they will be sure of obtaining everything they need to stay healthy.  In ponds, we do not allow a build up of detritus that could decompose and break down into its component minerals, so Koi will not be able to find food that is buried in the mud at the bottom. Apart from the occasional insects or larvae that they may find in their pond, it is our job to supply everything that they need. Clearly we should feed them a good quality food and supplement this with treats such as the usual prawns, oranges, lettuce etc. But in the wild, they would also be able to absorb dissolved minerals direct from the water.  These minerals are absorbed through the gill, the gut and to a small extent, through the skin itself. In a pond, they can only absorb minerals that are either already in the mains water supply or which are artificially added, for example in the form of pond clay.

    What if we don’t add essential minerals? - There is a difference between water in which Koi can survive, and water in which they will thrive. A question we should ask ourselves is;  “If I was given a fish that had just won first prize in a Koi show, against good competition, would it still be a contender for first prize against similar competition at the next show, after keeping it in my pond for a year?” Many different factors would influence the situation but water quality will have a great effect on whether  the Koi would still be in as good condition the following year.

    What do clays do to the water? - In trials, some of the most well known clays were tested for their mineral content and their effects on water. The amounts of five major chemicals in these clays were tested.  The results showed considerable variation in levels. Two of the samples showed negligible levels of manganese compared to the others but, interestingly, were considered to be among the top three for overall performance and price. All the clays were found to increase both pH and hardness. Some quite dramatically. Koi are tolerant of a wide range of pH and hardness provided the actual levels are stable and do not vary abruptly.  They are particularly sensitive to variations in pH of more than 0.2 per day.  I would strongly advise that if clay is used, the recommended dose rate is not exceeded.  While there is unlikely to be a large increase in pond pH, it should be remembered that ammonia becomes more toxic as the pH increases.  Do not add clay to a pond where there is an existing ammonia problem, it may make matters worse.  Curiously enough, the toxic effects of nitrite are exactly the opposite. Nitrite becomes less toxic as the pH increases, but do not take this fact as a recommendation to ignore a nitrite problem and simply mask it by adding clay to raise the pH. I am unashamedly fanatical about regular testing of Koi pond water parameters and since tests for pH and KH are just as important as tests for ammonia and nitrite, this is yet another reason not to forget to test water parameters, especially when clay is used.

    What benefits does clay bring? - Calcium bentonite clay, as the name suggests, is rich in calcium.  This mineral cannot be synthesised by fish, and apart from being vital for strong bones and scale development, it is a catalyst for enzyme action and other metabolic functions.  In addition to this, calcium bentonite has what chemists call “a negative electrical charge”. Molecules are not little magnets, but for those who may find the concept of molecules and their charges difficult to understand, they can be thought of as behaving just like little magnets. With magnets, like poles repel each other, but opposite magnetic poles attract each other and will stick together if they come close enough.  It is similar with molecular charges.  Like charges repel and opposite charges attract each other. A negatively charged molecule such as calcium will attract positively charged impurities to it.  Although these calcium molecules do not actually remove impurities from the pond water, nor do they make them vanish, they will be permanently locked together and, as such, they cannot affect the fish. Then, when the clay is filtered out as sediment in the filter bays and flushed away, it takes those pollutants with it.  In this way, toxins such as heavy metals, free radicals, and pesticides are removed from the pond.

    What else will it do? - Being a very fine powder, and being heavier than water, clay acts as a flocculent. This means that as the individual grains of clay mix with the water then fall to the bottom of the pond, small floating particles are attracted to them and are pulled to the bottom with them, leaving the water clearer.

    The above discussion of clay is simple science (for some) and, as such, these points can easily be proved to be true rather than just being manufacturer’s hype.  There are, however, some claimed benefits that are much harder to prove without a full chemical analysis of what exactly is in the various clays that are on sale. Manufacturers are reluctant to give away their trade secrets and will not provide this information, but some of these claims are supported by anecdotal evidence.

    Bentonite clay kills blanket weed. This may seem like a wild claim, but there are repeated stories to support this, including one user whose clay was accidentally knocked over and spilled into the pond.  This went unnoticed until the following day when all blanket weed around the area where the clay had settled had died.

    Possibly the single most important reason why many Koi keepers use clay is because it improves Koi skin quality and adds gloss to their colours. Again, this is subjective and hard to prove but there are a great many Koi keepers who say it does.  They can’t all be wrong.

  • Understanding BSP Sizing

    How to Measure Your BSP Fittings

    When it comes to finding the correct thread fitting it can be confusing especially when some brands/manufacturers make a bespoke thread size unique to their own products. meaning any replacement parts will have to be purchased directly from them ensuring the after-sale.

    however, most of the threads used on the market are BSP (British Standard Pipe) threads, making them universal from products, brands and manufacturers because they are all manufactured to the same specification

    When checking and replacing your couplings or fittings, you will need to know how to measure their BSP (British Standard Pipe) threads. These can be BSPP, where they are parallel, sealed by a washer or an ‘O’ ring seal or BSPT, where they are tapered along their length, sealing with mating male and female threads. 

    This is a common confusion leading customers to question the replacement and spare parts that they actually need for their machine. We want to help abolish this ambiguity in choosing your correct couplings, so take a look at the measurement guide below so you know exactly what to look for.

    First, to determining the thread size:

    • Measure the outer diameter (OD) of the thread (in inches)
    • Then subtract 25% from this (¼ inch)
    • Therefore, if the OD of a BSP thread measures 1”, the thread size will be ¾ . This is often written in shorthand as a Dash Size and this particular one would be written as -12.
    • You’ll then need to make sure it is a BSP fitting so by counting the threads on your coupling, perhaps only just over ¼”, you can just multiply this by four to find the threads per inch. You can then match this measurement against the table below, to find the exact dimensions for your fittings.

    Now you know the BSP thread size you are looking for have a look at our threaded fitting range We stock everything from rigid pipe converters to multi-stepped hosetails for flexi hose

  • The Truth About The Ozonair Unit

    In this short article, I'm hoping to clarify a few questions that some might have and put to bed a few "rumors" that surround ozone and the MK2 Ozonair unit.

    To do this we contacted Air Care Products, the manufacturer of the Ozonair unit and other steeple products in the koi and pond trade which have been manufacturing water and air purification systems for over 50 years.

    Is Ozone dangerous? - Ozone is a potent oxidizer and can be fatal if implemented in the wrong dosage, an ORP above 700 mV would kill any type of aquatic life within minutes. However, the Ozonair unit has been designed to produce a small dosage of (500mg)of Ozone per hour. Providing that the correct dosages are used and ORP is monitored on a regular basis there will be no detrimental effects. The Ozonair unit introduces ozone directly to the water via aeration, the bubbles from the aerator contain a low amount of ozone gas. The bubbles travel from the aerator directly up to the water's surface and are expelled, meaning the ozone has very little contact time with the water or little opportunity for the highly reactive hydroxyl radicals to interact with the beneficial bacteria in the pond. When ozone gas is introduced into pond water, the chemical reaction is instantaneous. After oxidation, it returns to its original form of oxygen without leaving behind any toxins or byproducts that could hurt the aquatic ecosystem.

    Air Care Products have been manufacturing and distributing the Aquasure Ozonair units globally since the early 2000s, During this time it has been implemented in a multitude of fresh and saltwater applications from Tropical fish egg tumbler tanks, large-scale koi breeders/wholesalers, trout farms and right through to the pond hobbyist. In this time there have been NO reports of any detrimental effects whatsoever to any type/breed of fish of any size or age. All ozone has been introduced to the water directly via aeration and all fish have been exposed directly to the bubbles.

    Will Ozone Damage My Bottom Drain? - There seems to be a lot of speculation regarding how quickly ozone will attack and break down bottom drains and aerators. Ozone will degrade some plastics faster than others depending on their Ozone resistance levels. polymers such as PVC, Viton, HDPE, Silicone PVDF, Butyl and PTFE are rated "A" in ozone resistance making them completely ozone stable. Polymers such as ABS, Polyethylene and EPDM are rated "B", ozone will affect "B" rated polymers but from our own experience, this happens over many years when exposed to the dosages that the Ozoneair unit produces. However Nylon is classed as "D", Nylon is used in the vast majority of air fittings, and we have found this to be the only material that has been affected by the ozone again this is still over a period of 8-10 months. This isn't too dissimilar to the effects a Nylon fitting would succumb to if exposed to direct sunlight (UV)

    Air Care Products produces a range of aerated bottom drains, weighted suction domes and free-standing aerators. The Aqua-Jet aerator range incorporates models with perforated rubber membranes and models with perforated hose. All products have been extensively tested and used in conjunction with the Ozoneair units and NO DAMAGE HAS BEEN FOUND to any of the products. the only item found to break down over an 8-10 month period was the Nylon air fittings used in the construction of some of the aerators, however, All Nylon components are easily replaced. Due to Air Care Products being an injection moulding company they have the expertise and experience to know what polymers are suited for their desired application.

    Air Care Products purposely designed the Aqua-Jet Aerator range to be used in conjunction with the Ozonair unit, all materials and polymers used are designed to withstand many years of exposure to ozone.

    Other aerated products on the market that are not manufactured by Air Care Products have not been tested in conjunction with the Ozoneair unit so no comment can be made in regards to their ozone resistance properties. However, if similar materials have been used in the construction of the aerators like the ones used in the Aqua-Jet range manufactured by Air Care Products there is no reason to believe they wouldn't be suitable to be used in conjunction with the Ozonair units

    SUBAIR Bottom Drains - If the application of a "hidden airline Bottom Drain" is used it is advised that ozone should not be used. If ozone is being added to a system it is recommended that all airlines and fittings are easily assessable and can be maintained if required

    Where to install the Ozonair unit?- Although weatherproof (IP45), The Aquasure Ozone Purifier Unit MK2 should not be installed in any position where it might be submerged (fully or partially), subject to flooding, puddling, freezing or extreme conditions. A unit damaged due to any of the above is not covered by the guarantee

    The Ozonair unit should only be used in a well-ventilated application like an open pond/outside tank. If an inside application is required please ensure suitable ventilation is installed.

    Recommended Airflow- The Ozonair unit can be used in conjunction with any sized air pump. providing that the air is fully exhausted through the desired aeration methods, for example, an air pump of 45LPM run in conjunction with a HI-BLO aerator will ensure suitable airflow through the unit while still offering superb effects in regards to oxidation potential.

    The more air that is passed directly through the unit the better, this will firstly offer more ozonated air to be pumped into the pond and secondly keep the ozone cell cool.

    Getting the most out of your Ozonair Purifier- To get the best out of the Aquasure Ozonair unit it is recommended that it is used in conjunction with an aerator from the Aqua-Jet Air diffuser range, The Aqua-Jet aerator range has been designed especially with the Aquasure Ozone Purifier unit MK2 in mind. The range of aerators produces a huge plume of fine bubbles that maximize the saturation of Ozone in the water, ensuring maximum efficiency and effectiveness

    Is my pond too large for this little unit? - Despite The Aquasure Ozonair unit only admitting a small dosage of ozone,the ORP will continue to rise vus still resulting with the desired effects even on the largest of applications. The only difference will be the time taken to increase the ORP. For example, a 10,000 gallon pond will take twice as long to achieve an ORP of 300mV compared to a pond of 5000 gallons.
    The more conventional ultraviolet sterilizers will only treat air/water that comes into contact with the UV bulb or quarts. After the air/water has passed through and out of the UV unit the sterilization process will stop. The oxidation reaction produced by the Ozonair purifier unit works differently, even after the air/water has passed through and out of the unit and is not in contact with the ozone cell. The oxidation reaction will still accrue and carry on treating any oxidizable substances that are present.

    Should I Use Ozone & UV together? - it is advised that an ultraviolet sterilizer is used in conjunction with the Aquasure Ozonair unit, this ensures maximum treatment potential for all ponds

    Bio/Fluidized Filtration Beds - it is advised that ozone is not introduced directly into a biological filter of any sort, ozone will oxidize any bacteria it comes in contact with, good or bad.

    Medication - If the application of treatment/medication is added into the water it is advised that the Aquasure Ozoneair unit is turned off for a period of 96 hours before adding treatment of any sort. once added it it advised that the unit should stay off for a period of 168 hours. this will ensure the added medication will not be oxidized by the ozone

  • pH of Pond Water: 4 Steps to Manage Your Levels

    Pond care can be time consuming and difficult, especially when it comes to learning what the best water parameters for your pond should be and how to keep track of them. When it comes to ponds, pH is one of the big parameters you need to be routinely checking. Different plants and animals have different pH requirements, which makes understanding pH, how to check it, and how to adjust it important to their health and wellness.

    What is pH?

    This is based on a scale you likely learned about in middle or high school science classes. If water is acidic, the pH is low. If water is alkaline or basic, the pH is high. If water is neutral, the pH is right in the middle.

    To get more technical, pH measures the number of free hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in the water. The pH scale ranges from 0–14, with 0 being the most acidic and 14 being the most alkaline. A neutral pH sits right at a 7.0. These levels directly correlate to the solubility and bioavailability of chemicals, like nutrients and heavy metals, in the water. It also ties in with water KH and GH, which gets into some really complicated chemistry. At baseline, though, you should understand the basic pH scale and what the numbers mean.

    Keep in mind that we tend to think of things in a Hollywood kind of way. Many people carry the idea that acids will burn right through your skin, while alkaline objects are gentler and safer. While there are acids that will burn right through your skin, there are a whole lot of acids that won’t. In fact, some fish require water with a pH around 5.0–6.0, which is acidic, but not so acidic that you will hurt yourself if you put your hand in the tank.

    When you think about chemicals like ammonia and lyme, you likely associate those with burning and skin damage, but both of these are alkaline. Ammonia has a pH of 11.0 and lyme has a pH of 12.4. In fact, lye, which we hear about in movies being used to break down bodies, has a pH of 13.0. Looking at it this way may help you better understand that alkaline isn’t inherently safe, while acidic isn’t inherently dangerous.

    What’s a Good Pond pH level?

    That really depends on what you have living in your pond. However, the most common pond fish are goldfish and Koi fish, which require a relatively neutral pH. They can live at pH levels from about 6.5–8.5, but they are happiest and healthiest with a pH around 7.5. If you’re keeping turtles in your pond, then you can safely keep your pH between about 6.0–8.0.

    Keep in mind that you want your pH level to stay stable. Small changes are usually not a big deal, but if your pH rapidly swings up or down, then you may end up with a pond of dead animals. This is where KH and GH come into play, because the softer the water, or the lower the GH and KH, the less buffering power the water has and the more likely it is to experience rapid pH changes. The higher the GH and KH, the more buffering capacity the water has, leading to more stability in the pH.

    How Do I Test My Pond’s pH levels?

    When it comes to checking pH levels, you have two options. The best option is to use liquid test kits, which tend to give reliable results. The API Pond Master Test Kit is a good choice because it includes a wide range pH test, as well as tests for ammonia, phosphate, and nitrite. You can also purchase pH tests separately from a kit.

    The other testing option is test strips, which tend to give less reliable results with some readings, but pH levels are typically pretty reliable. The API 5-in-1 Pond Test Strips are a good pick because they also allow you to see the GH and KH levels of the water, which will help you know the stability of your pH.

    The 4 Steps to Raise pH Levels

    1.Test Your Levels

    Perform a pH test to determine your water’s pH. If you are going to attempt to alter the pH, then you should check the pH right before you begin attempting to make changes. If you checked the pH last week and it was low, then you need to recheck it now to ensure the pH is still at a level that requires adjustments.

    dipping pH test strip on pond

    2.Add a Chemical

    To raise the pH, you need to add something to the water that is alkaline. Keep in mind that you want pH levels to change slowly, not wildly swing the opposite direction, so don’t go overboard when adding things. You can always add more later.

    Baking soda is a favorite product for raising pH that is easy to come by. Seachem Alkaline Regulator is a great product that comes with specific instructions on how to adjust your pH safely. There are multiple products on the market to adjust your pH levels, so choose what you feel will work best and be safest for your pond.

    3.Retest Your Levels

    Wait at least 12 hours before retesting your pH levels, although 24-48 hours is best. Your pH levels shouldn’t be swinging rapidly, so if you add something to raise the pH, then immediately check your pH and see that it’s still low, then you may be getting a false reading because the products you added haven’t had time to begin working. If you recheck your pH too soon, you may end up inappropriately adding more product than necessary.

    testing water pH

    4.Repeat if Necessary

    Once you’ve determined that your pH levels still need adjustments, then you can add more product to the water. Continue to follow the directions on the package, though. If you feel like you should have seen more of a shift in the pH, so you add a higher dose of product than recommended, then you may cause a rapid pH shift, leading to the death of your pond animals.

    The 4 Steps to Lower pH Levels

    1.Test Your Levels

    Make sure your pH levels are checked right before you begin attempting to make adjustments. This is especially important if your water is soft since soft water can experience more rapid changes in pH than hard water.

    2.Add a Chemical

    There are a few ways to lower the pH of your pond water. Some of the slowest but simplest ways are to add peat or leaf litter to the water. Indian Almond, Jackfruit, and Mulberry leaves are all great options to slowly lower the pH of your water. Driftwood is also a good choice. Keep in mind that these items will lower your pH slowly over time and will release tannins into the water, making the pond water dark tea colored. 

    3.Retest Your Levels

    Wait at least 12 hours, with 24-48 hours being preferred, before rechecking the pH levels. If you are using a method to slowly change your pH, like driftwood and leaf litter, then it’s best for you to regularly check your pH for at least 1-2 weeks after adding these products. This will allow you to see if you added enough to create a shift in the overall pH of the pond.

    4.Repeat if Necessary

    If you are using a chemical additive, then you can add more if needed. If you are using leaf litter and driftwood, then you can add more leaf litter and driftwood to the pond. This will lower and maintain the pH as the products break down.

    fish pond filled with moss


    Understanding the ins and outs of pH can be confusing. It’s a complicated thing to understand, especially when you start getting into GH and KH. It is necessary to understand the basics, though. Keeping your pond’s pH stable is going to keep your fish healthier than rapidly altering the pH will.

    Rapid pH swings can result in the death of animals and even some plants. For the safety of your aquatic friends, make sure you carefully follow the instructions on any products you add to your pond. This will help you prevent large pH swings while safely adjusting the overall pH to where you need it to be.

Understanding BSP Sizing

How to Measure Your BSP Fittings When it comes to finding the correct thread fitting it can be confusing especially when some brands/manufacturers make a

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