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Protein Extractor Tower and Ozone unit

Part Number 11174 Category


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Protein Extractor Tower and Ozone unit

The Aquasure Protein Extractor Tower and Ozone Unit will help give good water clarity and take the colorants out of your pond by helping remove proteins from the water which leave a yellowy/brown tinge. The Aquasure Protein Extractor Tower and Ozone unit consists of both a protein extractor (foam fractioner) and ozone unit all in one.

The Aquasure Protein Extractor Tower and Ozone Unit works by using your pond water which is pumped through the ozone unit then through the protein extractor and returned to the pond. This is the easiest and most effective protein extractor we have worked with due to this unit having 2 control valves instead of the conventional 1 control valve. One is used for the adjustment of air flow to the venturi and the other for the adjustment of the air vacuum.
You also have the added benefit of this being combined with the ozone unit as an all in one component. Setting up requires you to connect your water pump (5000ltr recommended) to the inlet of the prozone unit. The outlet simply returns to the pond.

Is my pond to large for this unit? The answer is not at all, this unit is more then capable of working with extremely large ponds. The only difference will be the time taken to totally treat the pond.

Is Ozone dangerous to my pond or fish? Not in the dosages this unit produces .ozone is only dangerous in extremely large quantities. This unit can be left on 24/7 on a small pond with no adverse effects .This unit will produce 0.042mg of ozone per minute. Giving you 2.52 mg of ozone per hour. The unit is extremely cost effective as it

How effective is ozone? The manufactures have told us when the unit was in its testing/trial stages a test they carried out to see how effect this unit really is, was filling a tank up with clean tap water and adding a Blue ink. Once the blue water was exposed to the ozone all the ink vanished leaving the water crystal clear. This is done by a process called oxidation

How long should I run the Aquasure Protein Extractor Tower and Ozone Unit ?
Twenty-four hours a day. There will be some periods of the day when the extractor will produce more foam than others, but that is natural.

Is ozone required with my extractor?
It is not necessary to use ozone with a protein extractor. Although, ozone can encourage additional oxidation and breakdown of large molecules, making them more susceptible to removal by extraction and give water more clarity.

What is a Protein Extractor?
A protein extractor is a device that concentrates and removes dissolved material from water by floating it to the surface via an accumulation of air bubbles. It basically consists of a tube (the contact column) for the concentration of bubbles, an aeration device (e.g. air stone, venturi) a water inlet and outlet, and a removable collection bowl. Some units may add additional features, but the basic design is the same.
The name “protein extractor” is essentially misleading. A more appropriate name is “foam fractionator,” due to the fact that the bubbles concentrations (foam) serve to separate (fractionate) dissolved material from the water. Most of the material, termed DOC (Dissolved Organic Carbon) by scientist’s, is produced by the biodegrading activity of certain bacteria, but some is released by algae and other organisms as part of their normal bodily function. Because the DOC is dissolved in the water, they cannot be removed by traditional mechanical filtration methods.

Why use a Protein Extractor?
A foam fractionator removes the DOC that a traditional mechanical filter does not. The accumulation of DOC in water, among other things inhibit the nitrifying bacteria and increase the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD a way of measuring water pollution), thus lowering water quality. Water becomes discoloured and smells foul. Furthermore, some types of DOC can be degraded by bacteria in the water,
via a process called Mineralization. Heterotrophic bacteria convert DOC into toxic substances such as ammonia and carbon dioxide, while consuming vital oxygen in the process.

How does a Protein Extractor Work?
The two keys to effective protein extracting (or foam fractionating) are air bubbles and surfactants. DOC are surfactants-compounds whose surface is defined as “active.” This means that when a surfactant compound is in water, its non-polar end, labelled hydrophobic or “water hating,” seeks the surface, in the air. Normally, the only “air surface” in a pond is the surface of the water. However, if bubbles are added to the water, more air surface is created. More air surface means more surfactants (DOC) are attracted and removed.
Smaller bubbles have more surface area than larger ones. Also, the longer the bubbles stays in the water, the longer its contact time with the surfactant. Bubble size and contact time determine how effective an how fast a extractor will work.

Protein extractors take advantage of these physical properties by producing a large amount of bubbles in a controlled space–the contact column. This serves to concentrate the bubbles and the DOC. As the bubbles in the column rise, the surfactants (DOC) attach o the surface of the bubbles so that its hydrophobic end is “inside” and in contact with the air. The bubble carries the DOC to the water surface, where it forms foam.

The air-preferring DOC stays at the surface rather than re-dissolve into the pond water.
This process is repeated thousands of times a minute and a large amount of foam can be generated. The foam grows over time, is collected in a bowl or other such vessel, and is to be removed at regular intervals. While there is considerably more physics involved in trying to produce the right bubble size and in the determination of other factors as well, this is the basic operative mechanism involved in protein extracting.. The goal of any good extracting is to produce a great number of small bubbles in the contact column.
With the improved technology of the Aqua-Sure Protein Extractor it is possible to remove harmful protein compounds from freshwater